Rain barrels help capture rainwater for your garden, reduce water bills, and protect our lakes. Learn how a single rain barrel can save thousands of gallons each year – and how to get started today!
Be Successful in Your Garden
Explore how Master Gardeners can help you be a better gardener or learn something new.

A Vegetable Gardener’s Dream Plant – Onions
Onions are easy to grow, packed with flavor, and great for your garden. Whether you plant bulbs or bunching onions, they’re a must-have for every veggie patch. Learn why onions should be on your list this season.

Monthly Garden Checklist
There is always something to do in the garden. Find out what might need your attention this month.

Gardening Questions?
Master Gardeners in our online Information Center would be happy to help you with your gardening and landscaping questions.
Visit Our Gardens and See What's Growing
Research and Demonstration Gardens
Our association helps with the planning and maintenance of a variety of gardens in Collin County. These are open to the public and can be a great way to get a little gardening inspiration.